sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

I see, Chapter 1.

I see dark corners and yellow buildings riding by themselves,
ugly women, expensive cars, empty houses and crying babies,
potheads, old musicians, tangled dreads and wrinkled cards,
I see sun spots, baby bottles, pretty bicycles and large families,
and somehow we make it everyday.

I see newcomers, silly bibles, Jack Kerouac and hindu seasoning,
porno sites, crazy people, cigarettes and a little dog,
dusty vinyl records, hungry men, the Beatles and a pretty blonde,
I see warm beds, cold beers and stupid policemen,
and somehow we make it happen everyday.

I see my books, new scripts and empty pill bottles,
Jack Daniels, fried plantains, tight jeans and a new CD,
irresponsible grown ups, shitty designers and insecure artists,
I see a bell boy in a movie, a bad riff in a song and two cups of coffee,
and somehow we dance through these days.

I see the same corners and games,
All the girls and boys pretending to smile,
And old people trying to understand it all.

I see the time and I prefer to smile.

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